Re: Questions about Medium Res monitor chassis

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 08:57:53 EDT

At 03:08 PM 5/9/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>1. 79XX model - I know this was used in medium res games (from which this
>chassis has come - APB). Can I use this for standard res 19"? Do I need to jumper
>it or will it auto detect it? The manual doesn't say.

This will not work in a standard res game unless there is a switch or jumper for switching between standard and med res. Either way, put this monitor away. You'll find you can't find one when the need arises.

>2. 25K5501 - Can't find a scan of the manual for this one. It came out of a
>25" standard res game. Can I use it for standard 19"? (The 79XX says it will
>work on a 25") Do I need to jumper it or will it auto detect?

Standard res is standard res for the most part. Aside from some issues with sync, any standard res monitor will work for any standard res game.

>3. I have a 14" monitor - brand unknown. I have capped it and replaced transistors. When I power up I get a lit neck and glow on the screen, but after a couple of seconds something shuts it down. After this when I power up again immediately it immediately shuts down.

Can I assume that "brand unknown" means no manual? You might have a hard time with this one. Have you looked at Bob Roberts page of monitor chasis pics to see which one looks close? I forget the URL, but you can look it up on


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