Re: Questions about Medium Res monitor chassis

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 17:56:22 EDT

The 'flatline' switch is some sort of diagnostic switch. It basically shuts off the
vertical deflection. Im not sure why you would want to do that tho. I have seen it on
other monitors as well, nintendo monitors for example have it.

> Paul Sommers wrote:
> Yup - checked Bob's page - it's not there. Not only is there no manual, but there is not
> one piece of English text on it. It has the 'rollbar' chassis design like the Sanyo 14"
> that Atari used. It also has a switch in the set of screen controls which I haven't
> worked out what it's for. When it is powered on (and stays on for a minute) I can flick
> this switch and the screen 'flatlines' - single line across the screen - like no
> deflection. Anyone know what this would be used for?
> Jon
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