RE: Questions about Medium Res monitor chassis

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 08:32:03 EDT

At 07:56 AM 5/10/2000 +1000, you wrote:
>This brings up another question which may seem pretty basic, but I never wanted to find out the hard way. What happens if I put a 25" chassis on a 19" tube... or for that matter a 14" tube? This actual chassis is from an 25" Demo Derby (island cab)
>I would imagine that the HVT would need to give out much more voltage to a 25" tube than for a 19" tube. So the voltage would need to be turned down at the very minimum. Or is that what you are turning down when you turn down the screen control?

Once again, there is no difference that you need to be concerned with. The tubes all expect the same voltages and pinout. There are probably exceptions to the rule, but chances are that you'll never find them.

>Yup - checked Bob's page - it's not there. Not only is there no manual, but there is not one piece of English text on it. It has the 'rollbar' chassis design like the Sanyo 14" that Atari used. It also has a switch in the set of screen controls which I haven't worked out what it's for. When it is powered on (and stays on for a minute) I can flick this switch and the screen 'flatlines' - single line across the screen - like no deflection. Anyone know what this would be used for?

Ok, at least you have something to go by.. It looks like a Sanyo monitor, so send Sanyo an email asking if its theirs (include a pic of the Japanese text). Most likely they will say its not theirs, but they might be able to give you a clue. Also, it helps that you are in Australia.. You can probably find people that deal with Japanese gaming companies directly who might have an idea about it.


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