Wizard of Wor colors?

From: Steven Zeuner <szeuner_at_snip.net>
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 16:13:21 EDT

Hi folks, having a problem with a wow machine. The characters are all the
wrong colors. The left character and maze are light green and the right
player is purple. I swapped in another Gorf board set, everthing but the
CPU board which is game specific. I did also try another monitor. Also
tried another RGB board.

I believe the problem lies in the WOW cpu board. The left character and
maze are supposed to be the same color (blue) and the right is supposed to
be yellow.

Any thoughts as to what on the CPU board could be a culprit? I replaced the
transistors on the board 2n4401's and 4403's and resoldered the connectors.
I even checked the continuity from the cpu board to the rgb board.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Received on Tue May 16 15:27:22 2000

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