Re: Jittery or dim w/visible retrace monitors?

From: Matt J. McCullar <>
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 03:47:55 EDT wrote:

> The second problem is my recently acquired MEGATACK upright (the only
> one in the VAPS to date, yaaay! :) ). The game works perfectly, but the
> monitor - a Wells-Gardner 19K4601 - seems to have a few problems... :/ The
> picture is rather dim - the red more so than the blue & green, it seems to
> me - with a visible, white retrace zigzag across the screen. (The dimness
> may be, in part, due to my fiddling with the brightness controls on the
> neck board to try and make the retrace go away.)

You can most likely get rid of the retrace lines by turning down the
master brightness pot on the flyback (if it's got one). Once you
eliminate that, then look for a separate brightness pot elsewhere in the
monitor to turn up the contrast. It might be on the neck board; I don't
have the schematics handy. You might have to tweak the individual color
pots on the neck board, too. Does the game have a test pattern
available in self-test?


Matt J. McCullar
Arlington, TX
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Received on Wed May 31 07:52:51 2000

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