Re: I Robot Joystick Replacement?

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 15:29:08 EDT

Thats good to know.. The other bad part of it is that they used proms instead of eproms :( I was hoping that I was buying a bunch of reusable eproms.. Oh well.


At 03:13 PM 6/1/2000 -0400, you wrote:

> >Btw, it turns out that one of the boxes of crap I bought had a proto
> >boardset for Williams' Star Rider. And I was starting to feel bad that I
> >paid $17 for that box for just the XY board...
>That boardset wasn't complete (SR has 6 or 7 boards), and FWIW all SR
>boards I've seen (I own 2 SRs and some extra boards) say
>"proto" on them. Thats fairly common for semi-dud Williams games, video or
> Jeff
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