Need 2 pages from Exterminator manual

From: Magiera, Joe (AIT) <>
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 11:13:34 EDT

Come one, someone must have this manual. I need to get a
copy/scan/fax/whatever of just two pages, pages 48/49 (it's the parts list
pages). The manual posted on SPIES is missing them. Does anyone have it?
I'll gladly reimburse reasonable expenses incurred if you can copy & fax or
scan & e-mail or scan & post just those two pages from Premier Exterminator.

Thanks (I hope),


fax: 847-248-3198 (please e-mail and let me know if/when you do this, it's
a central business fax that's busy. I'd hate to lose it in someone else's
fax or have my boss pick it up. Thanks,
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Received on Fri Jun 02 08:49:32 2000

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