RE: First raster monitor repair.

From: John Mehrtens <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 22:38:26 EDT

Hey Chris,

This sounds like the vertical linearity is messed up. It won't normally be
the primary vertical linearity capacitor doing it - it's usually a secondary
one. Check for the v.lin pot and the caps around it - it'll be there. If
this cap is going (you're seeing the top scan lines folded over, or the top
of the screen is stretched ou like you're seeing itt), then it's best to
change them all out. If the cap kit comes with quite a few capacitors,
you're probably all set.

It's definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, the vertical linearity filter
section that's going kaput. And in my experience it has always been a
capacitor in this section. Which one? Don't know the monitor, so I can't
point it out. I'd cap kit it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher X. Candreva
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 9:53 PM

After a few vectors, I'm working on my first raster monitor. It's in a clone
(or more optimisticly a prototype) of Rally-X called Hot Race, that no one
else seems to have ever heard of.

It mostly works. It basicly just has some distortion on the top line of the
monitor (though HI SCORE). It like horizontal black lines across the
top. Adjusting the size doesn't effect it. If you roll the screen by
adjusting the vertical hold, the lines disappear, but reappear as soon as
your stop the rolling.

Cap kit, or something else ? This sounds like a FAQ, but checking through
the info on cap kits, I couldn't find something about how to tell if you
need one.

Another odd thing: If you know Rally-X, the brown background is a slightly
different shade when it is bordered by the green blocks than when it goes
across the screen.


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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