prototypes: Taito Sea Hunter, Midway Rescue Raider

From: Magiera, Joe (AIT) <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 14:01:39 EDT

This message is more for Al Kossow (I'm pretty sure he subscribes here), but
if anyone else has interest, let me know.

A couple years back I saw two prototypes on an op raid, Taito "Sea Hunter"
and Midway "Rescue Raider". The op confirmed that they are both fully
working. If anyone would like any specific information about these games
(board set or side art info, whatever), please let me know by Monday. This
op is a long way away from me, and it is unlikely I'll ever get back there.

This is not a for sale post as I am pretty sure he doesn't want to sell
them. But then again, if you are particularily interested, let me know a
price range and I can at least offer. If I can fit it in my van (doubtful),
I can bring it back and you'd have to get it from the Chicago area. I'd
ship if necessary, but if I have to pallet I'll have to use a local guy that
charges $75, plus the actual shipping cost.

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