Re: Vacuum Tubes - Good source needed!

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed Aug 02 2000 - 12:45:33 EDT

Quick throw this guy off the list he is obviously NOT a collector <grin>

I used to collect old radios (from the 20's and earlier) and the most
important thing with them was to keep them looking original inside and out.
We used to go to the trouble of melting out old capacitors, gutting them
and then inserting new capacitors INSIDE the old bodies and then sealing
them up to look original. A bit looney I know, but still I knew it looked
original inside and out!

Still have my collection just haven't added to it in the last thirty
years...(would love an old Atwater Kent breadboard!)

John :-#)#

At 07:04 PM 8/1/00, Matt J. McCullar wrote:
>Steven Winslow wrote:
> >
> > Hello All !
> >
> > I'm going to be undergoing refurbing - get this - A Computer Space ! The
> > original GE Black & White TV works but begins to fail after just a few a
> > minutes and I suspect that a bunch of the vacuum tubes need replacing.
> >
> > Does anyone have a good source (online - preferably) for tubes ?
>I've got some. But the other commenter is correct, I think; it's likely
>to be a flaky capacitor.
>Truth be told, though, I think you'd be far better off replacing the
>entire monitor with something a little more solid-state. Any thrift
>shop should have a working B&W set in the dollar bin.
>Matt J. McCullar
>Arlington, TX
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