If the WG is new, it should be able to take composite sync. If it's NOS,
maybe not. I would hook up the RGB and ground and try the sync in
different configurations until you get the best picture. If Gorf puts out
_COMPOSITE, try just hooking it up to HOR- first.
Bryan Kruzynski <bkruzyns@northland.lib.mi.us>@synthcom.com on 09/11/2000
09:30:40 PM
Please respond to rasterlist@synthcom.com
Sent by: owner-rasterlist@synthcom.com
To: rasterlist@synthcom.com
Subject: RASTER: New monitor... how to connect?
I just bought a new Wells Gardner 19" monitor for my Gorf.
I've taken care of (I hope) the new fangled 3 prong power connector.
The video connectors, while the same size, have HOR+ and - and VERT+ and -.
I've heard that Gorf might have a composite sync signal, while the monitor
looking for a non-composite sync.
My question... has anyone dealt with this, and if so, could you point me
in the
direction or let me know specifically what needs to be done to make this
Thank you very much,
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Received on Tue Sep 12 07:43:16 2000
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