Pac repair

From: <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 09:47:09 EST

Yet another one fixed.

        Been finding alot of time to spend in the shop this week. Helps that
my wife is not home in the evenings this week :-) I got hankerign down on
aa pac that worked, but had a lot of clicking in the sound, and some
distortion (clipping). Since I hate working on analog circuits, I first
checked to see if the digital was producing the proper wave forms.
Everything was okay, up until the amp the of the pot. I tried shot gunnign
the stuff which does the feedback, to no avail. Even tried replacing the
amp. Nope. I then replaced C 51. That did it. I did not go there first
because I had a problem a few years back, where a bad C51 was causing hum,
not clicking.

        Another one for the pile.


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