Availability: Assault

From: Dave George <lebeau_at_u.washington.edu>
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 11:32:19 EST

  How hard are these to find, in general? And what if you aren't
east of the Rockies? Also, I've noticed on a lot of the ones I've
played recently, that the sticks no longer center. Are these parts
hard to get, or do the operators just not care? Just curious, as I'd
really like to pick one up, but don't want to drop myself into another
Tempest situation. =) BTW, I'm in Seattle, if you happen to have/know
of something. Thanks, later.
                                        Remy LeBeau

  The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Received on Fri Jan 05 09:07:49 2001

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