Galaxian - Can't get out of test mode!

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 16:21:15 EST

Hello !

I've just picked up a Galaxian that is working but is stuck in test mode.
Actuating all buttons, joystick, coin switches & momentary credit switch
causes the game to respond with the appropriate game sound effect. After
printing the PCB wiring-chart off of spies I find that the Service Switch
(Test Switch) is on pin K.

The test switch itself is present and requires 3 connections to it. There
is one wire (orange/white) hanging there which has continuity to the board
at pin K (makes sense) but no other wires. What are the other 2
connections to the switch ? I assume power & ground but where are the
connections made ?

Thanks for the help!

Steven Winslow

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