WTT: Stuff for Defender Boards-Harness-Controls

From: Tim Tewalt <tim_at_srccomp.com>
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 15:34:56 EST


Someone installed Wico's Champion Baseball kit into a Defender cabinet I
have. I would like to convert it back.

I need the boardset, harness and control panel. Does not need to be
working, but does need to be in reasonable shape
and repairable. I can pay cash, prefer to trade. Below is a short list of
stuff from memory, with which I can trade.
Please email if you're looking for something not listed.

  Star Wars
  Space Duel
  Lunar Lander
  10 Yard Fight

  Tac/Scan (NOS)
  Mr. Do
  Zaxxon (NOS)

  Ripoff (NOS)
  Asteroids Deluxe
  Tin Star

  WG vector monitor boards
  Ampliphone vector monitor boards

  Space Duel
  Battle Zone
  Unknown Atari

  Star Wars flight yokes
  Sega vector game stuff
  NOS Tailgunner CPO
  Atari isolation transformers
  Atari Audio Regulatort II boards

Thank you very much for reading. Let me know if you can help.

Tim Tewalt

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Received on Tue Jan 23 12:49:45 2001

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