Gottlieb jumper question

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 23:02:13 EST

Hey Guys:

Would anyone know what the Background ROM jumpers on the Gottlieb video
boards do? Looking on page 23 of my Q*Bert schematics, I see four
jumpers (JP9, JP10, JP11, JP12) which do something with regards to the
background ROMs/RAM. Apparently the sockets can use 2716 EPROMs; 2732
EPROMs; or 2128 RAMs. I have no idea what settings to use for which

Along the same lines, there are 8 jumpers for the Scratch Pad RAM. There
seems to be six sockets for RAM - two of which can be ROMs. My Krull
board and my Q*Bert board have different jumper settings (and these are
the zero-ohm resistor wires soldered to the board so its not easy
swapping them in and out).

Any direction?


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