I notice you have a lot of Fluke pods on EBAY. Do you have the Fluke 9000A-8051 pod? Let me know.
Question from: freeone
Title of item: Fluke 68000 pod - 9010/9020/9000 series test
Seller: gamespeople
Starts: Mar-01-01 17:05:29 PST
Ends: Mar-08-01 17:05:29 PST
Price: Starts at $100.00
To view the item, go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=565719381
Visit eBay, the world's largest Personal Trading Community at http://www.ebay.com
Received on Fri Mar 09 12:49:18 2001
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