Re: Has anyone used a Fluke 9010A on Q*Bert

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 12:04:04 EDT

Hey Guys,

Although still in beta (I really need to do a better interface) the
majority of all my Gottlieb technical data is up. Included is the 'Piece
de Resistance' - the Q*Bert troubleshooting guide from Gottlieb's 'On
Target' newsletter.

Judging by David's description, it looks like he should check J10, J11,
K9, and K11 (the 93422 bipolar RAM or the 74LS157 Quad 2-input
multiplexer). I vote for the RAM.

A note about the manuals on the site. They are LARGE in size, but quite
readable both on screen and in printed form. I'm still in some need of a
few technical and descriptive items. If anyone would like to contribute
that would be great!

1. Curve Ball:
     Was this a conversion only?
     Board(s) listing

2. Three Stooges:
     CPU Board version?

3. Insector:
     sound and control pinout confirmation
     Dip Switch settings

4. Screw Loose:
     sound and control pinout confirmation
     Dip Switch settings

5. Q*Bert's Qubes:
     Original dump of ROMs (2764 foreground ROMs)

6. copy of "Video Games Magazine" April 1983 issue with interview of
Warren Davis, Jeff Lee and David Thiel.

Here's the main link to the site:


John Robertson wrote:
> Sounds like a video ram problem. If the game board is working then
> chances are the 9010 won't help this problem as the video ram is not
> always connected to the CPU bus. This can be a timing problem, and if
> the pattern is consistent that will be a clue as to what area to
> check. For example it could be vertical or horizontal timing.
> John :-#)#
> At 11:29 PM 4/10/2001, you wrote:
> > Anyone have the memory map for Q*Bert? Or hints on repair.
> >
> > I have a board that has stripes of garbage interleaved with stripes
> > of good image (both on the background plain). Haven't been able to
> > really nail down where the background image is stored using the
> > schematics.
> >
> > Planning to hook it up to my 9010 but haven't gotten there yet.
> >
> > David
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