I had to fix one of these once that did the same thing. Trouble there was an
intermittent thru in the board that would disconnect the vertical retrace
interrupt from the processor. The processor would just keep waiting for the
interrupt before doing ANY screen updates. If the board got flexed slightly it
would start working again. Ended up putting a piece of wire in the bad thru.
Problem solved.
Kurt Mahan wrote:
> Dirty edge card connector(s) is what I check first -- this (at least for me)
> has been a fairly common (and annoying) problem..
> Also cold solder joints on the filter board.
> Kurt
> > My Reactor is stuck in test mode. Actually, maybe one out of a dozen times
> > turning it on and off (I know I'm killing the monitor) it might come up in
> > game mode. Further, while stuck in test mode, it's stuck even there (i.e.,
> > I can't do any tests or move it around on the test screen). The once in a
> > while that it does come up in game mode I can then play the game.
> >
> > Any clues, ideas anyone?
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > joe.magiera@ameritech.com
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