Need a little assistance on Death Race Monitor

From: Matt Rossiter <>
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 03:37:46 EDT

I'm a little stuck on a problem here. I'm not getting any vertical
deflection. All I get is a thin horizontal line - within that
horizontal line, I can see things moving back and forth. I was
wondering if someone could look at the schematics here

The large vertical deflection transistor is fine. If you look on the
schematics at the section labelled "vertical oscillator" - at the base
of Q112 I'm getting zero volts - plus I'm getting zero volts where the
the choke is below it. Shouldn't I be getting some kind of reading
around that choke? Just looking for some ideas - I'm not exactly sure
what the purpose of that choke coil is.



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