To those Tron game collectors, hang on, their worth may go up soon!
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Two decades after it introduced
computer-generated imagery to feature films in "Tron," the Walt
Disney Co. is reviving the heroic security system with a new video
game and a 20th anniversary DVD, in addition to the previously
reported theatrical sequel, tentatively titled "Tron 2.0." Steven
Lisberger, the director and co-writer of the 1982 film, said he is
working on a third draft of the sequel's script. As in the original
film, Lisberger will blend live-action with CGI in the sequel. "I
have several characters that will be completely digital creations,
but I'm not trying to replace actors," Lisberger said. "I'd like the
sequel to retain the artistic look of the original, while employing
more cutting-edge technology and introducing a new cast of
characters. We could do a movie that looks like the original today
for $200,000." Lisberger has several ideas for the film, which he
believes could be revived as a new franchise for Disney.
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