Thanks Joe :)
David, you might check the 74LS377PC on the main CPU (in the audio output
section of the CPU). It is socketed and sits inline with the signals to the
sound board.
BTW, the dip switches on the sound board don't do anything. They were installed
to work with the Gottlieb factory test fixture and (someone correct me if I'm
wrong) a few Gottlieb pinballs that shared the sound board.
"Magiera, Joe (AIT)" wrote:
> Roy "Chumblespuz" has a good Q*bert sound repair guide. His web page
> appears to be unavailable, but it has been copied to:
> d.html
> <
> nd.html> , which is part of Tom McClintock's excellent Gottlieb portion of
> his web page. Tom has lot's of other good Gottlieb tech advice, it's at:
> <> , his main page is:
> <>
> If those pages DON'T help you fix your Q*bert sound, I suspect both Tom and
> Roy would be interested in hearing from you to further diagnose (and then
> add to their troubleshooting info once finally fixed). I would too, as my
> Q*bert sound is out too.
> See you at CA Extreme (I hope!).
> Joe
> <>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Shoemaker []
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 3:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: RASTER: Q*bert sound board repair
> Anyone have a repair guide for these?
> I have one that gives no sound on power up and no sound on hitting the test
> button.
> CPU / 6532 / roms are all checked good.
> Anyone know what the switch bank on the board does?
> Thanks,
> David
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