I just spoke to Roy about his page on Friday. Seems that a server crash erased
his pages and he hasn't had the time to install his backup. He is also out of
the country right now and might not be reading the list.
"Magiera, Joe (AIT)" wrote:
> Didn't Roy mention that he needed to update his Q*bert sound repair
> flowchart? Was this ever done? What happened to his web page? Roy? Are
> you out there?
> Joe
> joe.magiera@ameritech.com
> >David, you might check the 74LS377PC on the main CPU (in the audio output
> >section of the CPU). It is socketed and sits inline with the signals to the
> >sound board.
> >
> > Roy "Chumblespuz" has a good Q*bert sound repair guide. His web page
> > appears to be unavailable, but it has been copied to:
> >http://www.ionpool.net/arcade/gottlieb/technical/QBert_sound_tech/qbert_sou
> nd.html
> > Tom has lot's of other good Gottlieb tech advice, it's at:
> > http://www.ionpool.net/arcade/gottlieb/index.html
> > his main page is: http://www.ionpool.net
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