Sounds nice. You could keep an eye on eBay as well... I have one of these
units and, with an ISOLATION transformer, they are very handy for bench
testing of monitors and solid state audio amps. You can monitor the current
as you turn up the juice, and if it climbs too fast then you know you still
have a problem BEFORE you burn something out.
Other handy test gear for monitors (sort of trolling here but there are
other suppliers) are ESR meters - for measuring the Equivalent Series
Resistance of capacitors while in circuit, and a Flyback in-circuit test
meter. These with a HV probe and a half decent multi-meter are most of what
we use to service monitors.
Oh, yes, a signal generator...that is essential (we have an old WICO one),
or use a video game board that generates a cross hatch test pattern and
then you can switch the colours in/out for convergence tests.
John :-#)#
At 09:09 AM 11/14/01, you wrote:
>Anyone give recommendations for bench top variacs?
>I'd like something economical to drive either monitors or oddball AC voltage
>requirements for board testing.
>So far I'm eying the Jameco 169640, 5A @250V w/ analog meter, fuse, 3 prong
>outlet & illuminated on/off for $60 plus about $15 shipping.
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