The white and red plugs are set up for different sync. If I remember
right, white is neg, red is pos. The prints should show this. I don't
know why they would work differently between the 2 machines, possibly
someone did some creative wiring in the past.
To clarify your post, the transformer is the problem?
--- Joe Magiera <> wrote:
> Working on two crummy Millipedes, trying to switch parts to make one
> somewhat decent one. One machine has a monitor (A), one doesn't (B). I
> test both boards in both machines. Both work fine on A and play blind
> on B. Try both audio reg boards on both and same results. Try even
> both transformers on both machines. All fine so far.
> I notice that both harnesses have two plugs where the video signal would
> plug into the monitor; a white plug, hand labeled "A" and a red plug,
> hand labeled "B". The A machine used the white plug and worked fine.
> So I plug the monitor from A into B on the white plug and garbage on the
> screen. Dang! Just for fun, I plug the red connector in on B and it
> works fine. So I try the monitor again in A on the red plug and garbage
> on the screen.
> The owners manual doesn't mention anything special. I looked at the
> schematics, but I admit, I didn't do too well here. What is the
> difference in plugs? Why would the same monitor only work on the white
> plug in one machine, and only work on the red plug in the other?
> Can anyone explain this one? Thanks,
> Joe
> joemagiera "atsign"
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