Hi Al,
Thanks for the tips, I will be giving those a try within a day or so. I
would really like to have things ready for Wednesday's game party.
BTW, is the date on your computer set correctly? The date on your
message came over to me as February 10, 2002 00:09. The day of the
month, year and time look okay, but the month is a month off. People
say I'm a little off too. ;^)
Al Warner wrote:
> Food Fight: Spray stuff with freeze spray after it's warmed up and see
> where the problem is. Look for metal capacitors that might be shorting
> to traces on the board. Check the connectors. Weird considering what
> you've tried.
> Defender: Buy a connector kit from Bob Roberts and specify that you
> want TRIFURCON pins. Replace all of the connectors, especially the
> power ones and resolder all of the header pins (by resolder, I mean,
> remove the old solder and replace with new). If there are bad pins,
> replace them. Any resistance will generate heat and recause the
> problem. Yes, this is a HUGE job. If you want it rock solid, this is
> what you have to do.
> Q*Bert: Dunno, try the freeze spray but that is strange. Maybe change
> out the ROMs?
> Good Luck,
> -Al-
> Joe Magiera wrote:
> >
> > Today during my first game party in a while, three games really acted
> > up.
> >
> > #1) Food Fight
> > Symptoms: For several months the video has been jittery. Sometimes it
> > would work fine, and sometimes after it heated up a bit it would get
> > jittery. Sometimes it didn't need to heat up and would be jittery while
> > cold. Today, just as I was powering up for a game party, it's jittery
> > right off the bat.
> >
> > Things tried so far:
> > -Switched monitors (to a known good monitor). Same problem.
> > -Resocketed all socketed chips on board. Same problem.
> > -Tried another known good board. Same problem.
> > -Tried both boards with both monitors. Same problem.
> > -Checked voltages out of audio/reg board. All right on.
> > -Tired jiggling connectors by hand with someone watching video. No
> > changes noted.
> >
> > #2) Defender
> > First time displaying this problem. This did not happen when I left all
> > the games on at the same time for 8 hours for a smoke test.
> > After just about a half hour, game intermittenly reset going through the
> > rug pattern. Easy to blame on heat, but the smoke test I actually had
> > two more games on than today, and it was warmer then too. Today was a
> > cooler day (without heat on in the house besides). When it rebooted, it
> > didn't display any errors, and did recognize the CMOS. I have not
> > upgraded the RAM on the CPU. No trouble shooting attempted so far.
> >
> > #3) Q*bert
> > Again, first time displaying this problem and did not happen during the
> > smoke test. A little tricky to explain. Started to happen after a
> > couple of hours. It didn't reset, but just intermittenly went to game
> > over mode. You could hit the start button and play again, but this
> > probably happened every third game or so. Also, as I was playing, I
> > could see Q*bert kind of flickering changing to other shapes/colors
> > (like the snake). Didn't happen all the time, but if I recall it seemed
> > to be a prelude to a jump to game over problem. No trouble shooting
> > attempted so far. The Zener diode controlling the sound board has been
> > upgraded (or is it downgraded) to a 24v as recommended by Roy
> > Chumblespuzz. The power supply is an MA303 (GV103). The main and sound
> > boards are GV103A.
> >
> > Any ideas anyone? Any help much appreciated as I'm got another even
> > bigger party coming this Wednesday. Thanks,
> >
> > Joe
> > joemagiera@ameritech.net
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