On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 05:43:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
>Unfortunately, there are only four wires coming off the
>Hall-Effect PCB - power, gnd, X and Y. Swapping the X
>and Y controls leaves me in the same position.
An analog, unity-gain inverter, maybe?
| R |
| |\ |
R | | \ |
X from stick -/\/\/-O--|- \ |
| >-----O--- X to game PCB
.----|+ /
| | /
| |/
Make both R's the same value to get a gain of 1... any garden-variety
op-amp, such as the venerable 741 workhorse, ought to suffice for this
application, I should think, although it depends on what kind of voltage is
going to the PWR pin on the hall-effect board... Don't forget your power
pins, and duplicate the circuit for the Y axis. :)
"For the children" - the phrase politicians use to justify a course of action
so irrational it cannot be justified in any other way.
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Mon Mar 11 07:07:52 2002
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