Mirror Monitor

From: Mark E Davidson <mark_at_basementarcade.com>
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 21:15:41 EDT

Ok, So Im at the auction about a year ago and I win a wico monitor for
$2.00 The reason I bid on it was that the tube looks like new. The rest
of the chaise , on the other hand, was a total loss so I dumped it in
the trash and hoped to find some info on making a chaise swap. Well
after a year of it sitting on my bench I decided to do something about it

Taking a working WG 4600 chaise (with bad gauntlet burn in the tube) I
just hooked the WG neck board, Chaise, and degaussing coil up to my "new
tube" and plugged it in feeding it a test pattern from my WG pattern
generator And hoped for the best. And cool! I got beautiful picture!

I wasn't till I hooked ot up to a game that I realized that the picture
is a complete mirror image. Is there a way to hack the neck board to
swap some pins or is this part of the yoke? The Yoke is the and the tube
were the only things I kept Wico... The rest is WG and Im guessing
something's is not pin compatible

Input..... I learn best form blowing stuff up :-)


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Received on Thu Jul 18 18:20:44 2002

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