I've got a Neo Geo 1-slot (MV-1F) I picked up off of ebay that I'm trying to
repair. The previous owner did something screwy with the video, as the video
ground line was crisped.
Anyhow, after repairing the video ground, when I boot it up, it looks like
I'm getting the test grid, but the board is not putting out any video sync
(at least, none that my logic probe can detect). I'm getting signals on the
other video lines, just no sync.
It's a 3-layer board, so it's hard to trace the circuit manually. Does
anyone know where I can get a copy of the Neo Geo schematics? I've looked at
all the usual places, as well as at a bunch of NeoGeo places on the net, but
I just can't find any.
Thanks for any help,
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