RE: Sigh... Defender is now demonic

From: Ranger Mike <>
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 08:24:11 EST

I've seen the lines on a williams set before. For me it was a bad socket on
one of the decoders. Probing around could have easily set it straight.
Keep in mind that one of the decoders is for write and read access to the
CPU and the other is for pumping data to the screen. A problem in the
screen decoder will not always fail self test.


-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Bradley []
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: RASTER: Sigh... Defender is now demonic

> Do you get a good picture if the game is not in self test? If not then I
> still suspect something in the monitor horizontal hold area. You could try
> tweaking the HH control and see what happens...

Nope. The game was going through the rug pattern test in a really odd way.
It looked like an address line was stuck, but the picture is DEAD steady
and the CPU was gonig through endless rug pattern testing. It wasn't a
display issue.

You might want to take a look at my followup message (Defender back from
the dead). The problem magically fixed itself after it cleared CMOS -



Neil Bradley            In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is not
Synthcom Systems, Inc.  king - he's a prisoner.
ICQ #29402898
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