RE: Measuring JAMMA video sync

From: Sean McLachlan <>
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 13:07:29 EDT

>the Go7 has 2 sets of sync inputs, you should NOT use the sync inputs on
the RGB connector - use the syncs on the smaller connector.
>(they are inverted)

That's the header I am connecting to. I'm thinking I have board trouble, so
I'm going to test it in a friends cab.

>as for the B+ thing, check the smoothing caps before and after the
regulating transister.

According to Bob Roberts, the 163V on the B1 line is nothing to worry about.
As long as the B+ is 120, then everything else is OK. Since I have already
capped it, I'm not worrying about this anymore.

Thanks for the reply, Peter.

Sean McLachlan
MIS Manager
LithoFlexo grafics inc.

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