RE: Problem with Electrohome G07- only half picture

From: Bret Pehrson <>
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 10:57:14 EDT

Have you checked the yoke connector, wires, and the yoke itself?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matt Rossiter
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: RASTER: Problem with Electrohome G07- only half picture
> Hey all,
> I brought home a Centipede that had a dead monitor. I
> replaced the caps and
> installed a new HV unit. It now powers up, but only displays
> the right half
> of the picture with a line running down the middle -looks
> like a typical xy
> failure but on a raster game. So, basically I have a
> vertical deflection
> problem.
> Here's what I've done so far...
> 1) Tested the transistors in the vertical output circuit -
> X401 and X402 -
> they test fine out of circuit. I believe the signals are
> good too when
> testing in circuit.
> 2) FR401 (the fusible resistor) is fine.
> 3) Checked the signals on IC 501 and they look good. Swapped
> in a new IC
> just to be sure.
> 4) Checked other resistors and capacitors within the vertical output
> circuit.
> I just can't seem to trace down the problem, but it could be something
> simple I'm missing. Has anyone else run into a similar problem?
> Matt
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Received on Mon Jul 28 10:55:19 2003

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