Re: Loss of Horizontal Sync G07

From: SteveT <>
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 15:24:46 EDT

It's a horizontal monitor. I subbed in a different g07 chassis to make sure the
sync level was ok from the game board. The other g07 chassis sync's up to the
game with no problem.

John Robertson wrote:

> Are you sure that it is the horizontal direction? Remember that monitors
> are laid out like TVs and the horizontal axis is ALWAYS the long length of
> the tube. So if you game is a vertical one (Pacman, 1942, etc.) then you
> are talking about the VERTICAL hold.
> Sometimes a simple cure is to jumper the Positive sync pins (unused pins 5
> & 6 on video input connector) this can bypass a bad Vertical (or
> Horizontal) input transistor. Fixes about 50% of monitors without having to
> work on the board (street repairs!)
> John :-#)#
> At 10:57 AM 07/08/2003 -0500, SteveT wrote:
> >I have a G07 with no horizontal sync. It locks vertically but rolls in
> >the horizontal direction. Anyone seen this? I replaced both horiz sync
> >drive transistors and subbed in a new IC . No change.
> >
> >Steve
> >
> >
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