RE: VECTOR: new question- converting monitors from Vertical to Horizontal is it possible?

From: Andrew Wilson <>
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 12:13:06 EDT

As far as I know, you can't do this. The things along this line you can do

1) Physically rotate the monitor horizontally or vertically - I do this with
my JAMMA cab, but not all cabinets will let you do this.

2) Switch the yoke wires to rotate the monitor 180 degrees - this will just
turn the image upside down, it won't rotate the monitor from horizontal to
vertical. Note that when I say "switch the yoke wires", I mean "switch the
horizontal wires with each other and the vertical wires with each other".
Plugging your horizontal wires into the vertical yoke will do Bad Things,
I've been told.

I suppose in theory someone could make a device that buffered up a screen
full of analog RGB data using some kind of analog->digital converter, then
sent it out to the monitor in rotated fashion, but I've never heard of such
a device.

  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of newnan
  Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 8:37 AM
  Subject: VECTOR: new question- converting monitors from Vertical to
Horizontal is it possible?

  This is probably better for Rasterlist- but there Ive seen no traffic.
Does anybody know of a web resource that tells how to do this? The monitor
in question is a WG something or other. There appears to be a plug that
tells the chassis whether its H or V- Hell I'm just going to try some stuff.
If anybody has any ideas I'd appreciate it...


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