Doesn't work at all?
- Check for cold solder joints on the header pins.
- Check/replace the capacitors on the boards.
- Make sure that the bar magnets are in place and oriented correctly on the
- Make sure that the HE sensor is adjusted correctly. It should be close
to, but not touching the bar magnets, and should not make contact w/ the
magnets as they slide past. Adjust by bending or using the positioning
screw, depending on the sensor type that you have.
- Look over the HE sensor face -- if it is worn due to misalignment, they
may be damaged.
In addition to the I, Robot manual, Road Runner and the Atari Major Parts
manual has some details on alignment and related issues.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tony Jones
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: RASTER: Hall Effect joystick troubleshooting
> I got my I, Robot working a while ago, but the joystick is
> not working.
> Wiring harness is correct, continuity is good. I'm assuming a problem
> with the Hall Effect sensors, curious if there are known
> troubleshooting
> procedures?
> Thanks
> Tony
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