I'm looking for a few people who are repairing Sanyo EZ-20 monitors with bad flybacks.
I have four new replacement flybacks left, that I am letting out on a controlled basis.
To clarify, these are new replacements we've designed this year, not NOS.
These are production units (not betas). Once I have these four installed, running and happy,
I'll consider the new flybacks done, so I'm really looking for people who have a present
need, as opposed to people who will be putting them on the shelf for a rainy day.
If you're interested in some, they're $42.50 USD + $6.50 shipping, (plus $1 shipping
for each additional unit) within the US.
As the qty going out is so small, I'd like to keep it down to 2 per person.
First come, first served.
Requests can be sent to . Payment by paypal or MO.
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Received on Mon Sep 1 13:02:11 2003
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