I Robot joystick problems

From: joemagiera <joemagiera_at_ameritech.net>
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 18:07:07 EST

My I Robot is having recurring joystick problems. When it's left on too
long, the joystick starts being goofy. It obviously is some sort of heat
problem, as when the fan wasn't working the problem would show up in a
couple of hours. I fixed the fan, and now the problem doesn't show up until
about 4 hours.

Upon start up (and even a few hours later), the joystick works fine and will
pass the self test.

However after 4 hours or so, it starts responding silly (it isn't totally
dead, it just randomly does not respond correctly). If I do the self tests
at this point, it reports that the joystick has "bad stability". When I
look in the owners manual for this self test, it just says "have joystick
serviced". Thanks a lot!

Anyhow, anyone have any ideas where to start or what chip may control this,
etc.? Thanks,


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Received on Tue Nov 11 18:07:07 2003

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