RE: Re[2]: Hitachi C14C monitor cap list

From: Sean McLachlan <>
Date: Tue Dec 30 2003 - 12:30:00 EST

Peter Jones wrote:

>pointless, just because cap-X fails in yours does not mean it will be the
same for other people.

Only semi-pointless. Some caps have a higher rate of failure than others
and if you know those you can shotgun them in and be done with it. In any
case, I wish I had a list of what someone else had done before. That way I
could replace half the caps, put everything away, reinstall, power up, find
out I still had problems, swear a bit, get everything back out, replace the
remaining caps, put everything away AGAIN, reinstall, power up and be happy.
That's the way I like to do things. :-)

>the only safe way is total replacement.

No argument there.

>what are you bitching about anyway, it's only about $10 worth and you wont
have to repeat it till 2024 ;-)

My Scottish blood winces at the thought of spending $10 when I could spend
$9.27. I can almost feel my ancestors spinning in their inexpensive coffins
at the discount cemetery.

Sean McLachlan
MIS Manager
LithoFlexo grafics inc.

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