In trying to get a Tron up and running, I plugged in a monitor from a
galaxian to see if i got any video output. I did, but with some issues.
I am trying to get an idea of which issues may be related to the galaxian
monitor (which I know has problems) and which issues may be atrributable to
the video output of the Tron boards.
Thanks in advance for any input you can provide:
Known issues with the Galaxian monitor:
1. "Dripping" of the image, most noticable on Galaxian with the red fonts.
2. Green glow about the entire screen, scanlines visible
Issues seen with Tron plugged in:
1. Upper right corner (if mounted vertically) has a tearing effect in that
the picture is "falling" about 3 inches down. See pic,32936.0.html
2. Dripping of the images as described above
3. It appeared blue or a color close to it was not displaying. I noticed
the scores were not displaying and the attract screen that shows points per
enemy listed no points. From other pics this appears to be blue.
See pic,32936.0.html
4. During the attract mode, when it switches from one game to the other
there is brief static on the screen in the transition. Not sure if that is
in the game normally.
5. Screen image shakes a bit up and down. I cannot remember if I saw this
in galaxian.
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