Re: HELP.. I did it now! Donkey Kong monitor mess

From: Mark Davidson <>
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 18:23:05 EDT

Id guess I blew a cap before missed a solder joint. I had a very good
picture till I started tweaking. As a rule of thumb, whenever I do any
board work I replace everything I want to, but leave the component leads
long. As a final check, I inspect as I trim leads. Just some good repair
practice to pass on.


Rodger Boots wrote:

> Just when I thought I'd seen it all! You adjusted the horizontal and
> ended up screwing up the vertical!! Almost looks like you blew one of
> the new capacitors (or didn't solder one end of one).
> Mark Davidson wrote:
>> Ok, Im in deep doo doo and need some help. I took in a nintendo 13
>> monitor recap job for a friend who is moving in a week. The recap went
>> great and the picture looked good until I messed with the horizontal
>> hold adjustment. I obviously cranked the adjustment to where the picture
>> tore out , but then the monitor shut down on some protection circuit. I
>> unplugged the monitor for a few and plugged it back in. The screen came
>> back but now the one side is normal and the other 1/2 goes from a
>> compressed image.. to an expanded image, back to compressed in the
>> center of the screen.
>> Im dumbfounded.. anyone want to fathom a guess? Time is of
>> importance here as I need to get this back running before he leaves
>> I took 2 pictures, marking the issues at the bottom of the picture
>> -=Mark=-
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