Re: Green Color Maxed out on WG 4600

From: <>
Date: Sat Oct 28 2006 - 23:51:40 EDT

On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 21:27:17 -0500, you wrote:

>I had my Pac-Man cabinet on just chillin' when I looked back and
>noticed that it looks like the green color was jacked all the way up.
>The entire screen had a vivid green hue and you could see the retrace
>zig-zag lines. Game still plays but I can't seem to get the green to
>go away. I tried adjusting the screen, and R,G,B pots on the neck
>board but it doesn't seem to change it. I had noticed in the past
>that it would, very briefly, do this once or twice while it was
>warming up, but now it seems to stay on.

        I don't think a cap-kit will help with this; it sounds more like
something has failed and is allowing the green electron gun to stay stuck
at full output, or close to it.

        The most likely suspects, I think, would be as follows:

(1) Check all of the solder joints around the connectors which link the
various boards together. In this particular case, pay particular attention
to the connectors on the P317 Interface Board, which is one of the small
vertical daughter-cards which plug into the Main Board, and to the sockets
on the Main Board which the P317 plugs into. These connectors are infamous
for developing cracked solder joints over time, which could cause exactly
the symptoms you describe.

(2) Also check for any cracked PCB traces, especially up on the neck board,
and check to make sure there are no cracked solder joints at the CRT tube

(3) It's also possible that you've got a bad transistor. Either TR402 on
the neck board has failed, and is no longer controlling the gun, or TR206
and/or TR209 on the P317 Interface Board have failed and are not driving
TR402 any more.

        You can get the schematics for the WG4600-series monitors in PDF form

        Hope this helps!

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Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Nowadays, of course, we know that there are
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