Re: MCR II issue

From: peter jones <>
Date: Tue Oct 23 2007 - 13:56:54 EDT

remove the bus's if they are damaged,
then see if your short is gone.
if it has then put good wires inplace of the busses and check again.
if your lucky the short will be gone.
if not then it's gonna be a bitch.

1st you check under the board for bent pins & solder bridges,
then you check anything socketed to make sure nothing is in the wrong way.

then it gets nasty.
you can use a very beefy psu to try to "smoke" the short or a variable current supply to heat the short so you can find it.

it will probably be a chip or ceramic capacitor.
ram chips are good initial suspects in these situations.

this isnt mcr advice btw, it's general - i'v seen it on other games.

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