Tron has risen again

From: EvilJim <>
Date: Wed Nov 21 2007 - 05:47:25 EST

Thanks to everyone for their help on my Tron project, it looks like I am
into the home stretch on this one.

After replacing a few connectors and poking around, I found the garbage
screen was nothing more than the voltage watchdog circuit, putting the
game into constant reset. I pulled the purple from the PS and
everything came up fine. Even played my first few Tron games in many
years. What might I need to look at or replace on the PS to alleviate
this condition?

Aside from the power/reset issue, I also noticed one other small issue
while playing those few games. I appear to have some sort of "constant
close" on the Player 1 Start. Upon power-up, the game starts
immediately, as well as continuing, without any input from the start
buttons. The switch does not seem to be closed physically, so I'm not
sure where to look on this one.

Again, thanks to all for the guidance provided while I worked through
this resurrection.
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