Re: Re: G07-cbo haziness

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Jan 13 2008 - 17:43:06 EST

Dustin Holden wrote:
> Well, I must have switched the wrong wires. I now
> realize there are two red wires that run to the
> neckboard. When I powered on the monitor there was
> instant smoking on the neckboard. Neckboard resistors
> R104 and R107 melted. So, I changed out the resistors
> and powered up the monitor. Well nothing came up on
> the screen as it normally did previous to the wire
> switch. There is the normal buzzing and there is
> glowing at the tube neck as it was when it was showing
> picture. B+ is at 120V. I tried to adjust the
> brightness but when I make the screen brighter with
> the screen adjust dial below the focus dial all I see
> is a whitish screen with zig zag lines on it. What
> did I just do?
> It sucks to be a beginner.
> -Dustin
Well, you monitor is probably working just fine, but you may have
damaged the video output of the board you are using to drive it. Or
perhaps you just unplugged it by mistake. On the other hand if stuff
smoked on the neckboard, then the transistors might be damaged - but you
say you get a white screen - and that is unlikely if any of the colour
transistors were damaged.

Having a white screen with lines showing when you turn up the Screen is

Your original problem of a blue background is likely caused by the neck
board bias controls set incorrectly. You might want to read the service
manual for this monitor and go over the screen adjustments.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dustin Holden <>
>> To:
>> Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 00:40:40 -0800 (PST)
>> Subject: RASTER: G07-cbo haziness
>>> Having trouble trying to get the color right on
>> my
>>> g07. I changed out the three video output
>> transistors
>>> on the neck board X101, X102 & X103 because I
>> cannot
>>> seem to remove a blue intense haziness on the
>> whole
>>> screen. Cap kit's already been done. Not a tube
>>> problem because I tried on other tubes. Not a
>> game
>>> problem. I can see my games running in the
>>> background. I can see red and most other colors
>> but
>>> they are all drowned out by blue. Where there
>> should
>>> be complete black it is blue. The monitor was
>> shorted
>>> somehow previous to my owning it so it wasn't
>> working.
>>> I replaced the power regulator transistor X02 and
>> got
>>> the monitor up and running.
>> it's probably the neckboard,
>> before you do anything else swap the blue & red
>> drive wires going into the neckboard,
>> if it's still all blue you know it's the neckboard.
>> next lift & meter all resistors & capacitors in the
>> blue circuit on the neckboard.
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