Re: Apparently I missed the memo on CRT monitors?

From: Tim Soderstrom <>
Date: Wed Jun 17 2009 - 09:04:47 EDT

Yeah I was wondering about that. Most panels for arcades that I've
seen appear to be TN panels. Which for old skewl games would be just
fine (the color space was too small to care in that case) if it wasn't
for the viewing angle issues.

I'm more concerned about things like (the lack of) scanlines and
overall look of the picture. My concern is that the CGA output to the
LCD just gets up-sampled (poorly would be my guess) so that it looks
like ugly blocks. The lack of scanlines, for instance, would make it
look quite unnatural. Similar to running Ms. Pac-Man on MAME but
without adding any of the nice visual emulated affects (which actually
do include scanlines). Even then, you still don't get the
characteristic curved glass look, etc.

The problem I have is that my real monitor is almost too real :) It's
the infamous K4600 and while it works for the most part (I installed a
cap kit a few years ago), the red electron gun is slightly misaligned
such that red tones bleed downward, getting worse towards the bottom
right of the screen (as it positioned in the cab). There's also a
slight bend down the right side of the screen. I've tried to fix that
as much as I could but was never able to eliminate it. I had hoped to
buy a new CRT before they ran out so I could have a more modern screen
with no burn-in.

I'm certainly not above an LCD, but I'm quite skeptical that it will
reproduce the original look enough for me to even consider it at the
moment. :/ Unfortunately it looks like the remaining CRT prices are
going up and, if I can't find one, I'll have no choice but to go LCD.

On Jun 17, 2009, at 1:56 AM, matt wrote:

> check the viewing angle of the lcd I tried it and the colours are
> wrong :< this was on a table top.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Soderstrom" <
> >
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:52 AM
> Subject: RASTER: Apparently I missed the memo on CRT monitors?
>> I guess I waited a little too long to buy a new 19" CRT as they
>> seem to be hard to come by these days :( Anyone know where I can
>> get one for a reasonable price? You used to be able to get a 19"
>> Happ for $159.00 and later the WG D7700 was about the same price.
>> If not, has anyone taken the plunge and "upgraded" to a 19" LCD? I
>> know they make conversion kits, but my fear is that my Ms. Pac-Man
>> game will look just like I'm playing it on a PC via MAME. The
>> authenticity is a huge reason I have the cabinet to begin with :)
>> I read that there was some work being done to emulate the look of
>> a CRT on an LCD (using post-processing I would imagine). Are there
>> any solutions for this?
>> Thanks!
>> Tim S.
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Received on Wed Jun 17 09:04:51 2009

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