Re: X-Men troubleshooting?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Mar 08 2010 - 15:53:15 EST wrote:
> Hi John,
> Not quite, it's:
> 7B, 6B, 4E, 3E
> 16B (the ER5911 serial EEPROM) used to report as bad until I reset it
> by holding down the test switch on power up.
> Phil

Hi Phil,

Thanks, that is very useful information. It means I most likely have a
problem with my hybrid board, not the logic board. That should be easy
to find and fix now - I suspect there is a tiny cracked trace in one of
the leg connections to the custom IC underneath as most likely...

John :-#)#
>> Hi Phil,
>> Are you getting errors 7B, 4E, 16B, 6B, and 3E all saying "BAD"?
>> John :-#)#
>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>> Does the board fire up normally without the hybrid - only missing
>>>> the sounds? Trying to troubleshoot a 4-player version...
>>>> John :-#)#
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