Re: Star Tech Journal 6.3

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Fri Dec 24 2010 - 17:55:54 EST

  Hi James (and John)...

Thanks for the offer James... I will take anything I can get.

John if you put up a torrent, Im sure they would get snagged and
archived fairly well. :-)

Im trying to bring a Raster back to life and want to make sure I have
all the correct mods *before* I fire it up. I think that the HV
transformer for the Raster monitor is probably one of the most unlikely
parts to find working anywhere so i don't want to risk toasting mine
*if* it happens to be good already.


PS - There are some great Amplifone meeting notes buried in Scott's
Atari Documents section ( the amplifone
crew was responsible for 3 (out of 4) great failures at Atari. :-(
Amplifone Vector, Amplifone Switching Power Supply, Amplifone Raster.
The only other project they worked on was the Firefox Video Board which
had its own collection of issues, but probably wasn't a game killer like
the projects.

On 12/24/2010 5:55 AM, James R. Twine wrote:
> May 1984, Vol 6 No. 3. Got one right here. The "Firefox Amplifone
> Raster Modification" article? If so, I can scan it and send it to yer
> email address.
> Peace!
> -=- James R. Twine, (
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jess Askey
> Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 3:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: RASTER: Star Tech Journal 6.3
> Does anyone have Star Tech Journal vol 6 issue 3? I need the article
> on the Atari *raster* modifications.
> Also, does anyone out there have an archive of the Atari Field Service
> Bulletins? I figured by now, all those would have been scanned and put
> somewhere?? Couldn't find many at all after about a 45 minute search
> thanks
> jess
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Received on Fri Dec 24 17:56:53 2010

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