Messing with the retrace capacitor value mostly changes the high voltage
level. Decreasing B+ should help, increasing width coil inductance is the
best way.
On Jan 31, 2011 8:32 PM, "Jess Askey" <> wrote:
> Im about finished hacking my WG7000 flyback into my Amplifone raster
> deflection board and my last issue is with the Horizontal Width. Right
> now it is too wide... from several articles online about this, I
> attempted to increase the size of the deflection capacitor which is at
> the end of the chain of...
> HOT -> Deflection Coil -> Horizontal Width Coil -> Parallel LR Tank ->
> Deflection Capacitor (.39uf)
> I took this up to .64 which helped but not quite enough so I took it up
> to .64 + .39 and it didn't decrease much less than just the .64.... so I
> think I hit my limit. So... Im trying to figure out what my next options
> are... I think I can....
> 1. Put a larger inductance width coil inline
> 2. Put a resistor in series with the cap
> 3. Lower the B+ (not a great option)
> 4. Put a resistor in parallel with the H deflection coil (not a great
> option either I don't think)
> Does anyone have any suggestions or 'best practices' beyond the
> capacitor change? One page mentioned lowering the retrace cap but I
> didn't think I would want to mess with the retrace (or would that help
> move the left edge of deflection farther left?) Right now, I need to
> take my right edge farther left. This monitor also has a horizontal
> shift which has quite a wide range so I have lots of options.
> thanks
> jess
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