Real common resistor ladder. I would check to make sure that all the output bits are getting signaled.
Could have a bad color prom it bad resistors in the ladders.
Also verify that ground us coming across correctly. If the ground is bad the monitor ground can be floating above PCB ground effectively reducing the color intensity
-----Original Message-----
From: "Matthew Rossiter" <>
Sent: 1/28/2013 5:04 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: RASTER: Question about Midway Trog boardset
Hello Everybody,
I have a quick question about a Midway Trog Boardset
It seems to be working fine but the screen is very dim. The logical
response would be that it's the monitor. I'm using an Amiga 1084S Video
Monitor and it's perfectly fine (bright and colorful) for any other
game, so it has to be the boardset. I also tried sending the video to
my other flat screen computer monitor using an RGB/VGA converter, but
the signal drops out alot. So maybe it's sending out weak signals.
The board voltages look pretty good. Pretty much +5v and +12v.
The Schematic for the Video Output sections is here
<> on PDF page
55. I'm not much of an expert on Jamma boards. Any suggestions?
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