Re: Mathbox Theory... Help!

From: teeray <>
Date: Sun Sep 08 2013 - 09:55:03 EDT
You are correct.   CPU tells mathbox to start by IC 2C/D /MATHSTART
then checks IC 2E for MBDONE which comes from IC 9L

Hope that gets you started.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jess Askey
Sent: Sep 8, 2013 12:30 AM
Subject: RASTER: Mathbox Theory... Help!

Okay, Im being good and asking this on Rasterlist since my question is for I,Robot but I will repost on vectorlist if I don’t get any good answers… J


Im getting an error in the I,Robot Mathbox, the specific error is ‘Bad Y’ which apparently in I,Robot the mathbox has X,Y,R and C functions (I don’t know what those mean tho) which is probably exactly the same as Star Wars!!??


I have done all the basics..


1.       ROM and RAM are all known good.

2.       Replaced all Mathbox PROM’s with known good ones

3.       Swapped out theMathbox Bit Slice Processors with known good ones

4.       Made sure I don’t have any trace damage on the PCB.


So, I think Im going to have to dive into the TTL stuff now and I really don’t have much understanding about how the mathbox works or how to start troubleshooting it.


Here is what I ‘know’ now..


1.       The mathbox does 3-D vector calculations (rotations)

2.       It uses common RAM with the CPU so the CPU can load up data and then perform calculations on that data.

3.       Im sure it works like the Vector Generator in that the RAM gets loaded up with a handful of needed calculations, then the mathbox is set to ‘Go’ and it runs until it is done, then it tells the CPU that it is done. The CPU reads the data and then sets up the next batch of instructions.\


Since Im just getting a ‘Y’ function error in self test, then I am either very lucky or there is something really bad and it is only showing me a  Y Error since it is happens to be checked first. My assumption is that the Self test routine is doing a known set of variables and the Y axis data is wrong in the resulting calculation?


Does anyone have any insight on how to start testing this in more depth? Im fairly limited in my test bench tools… logic probe, oscilloscope, VOM, hammer


I guess I do have the luxury of a working boardset too, just thought of that as an A/B exam via  logic probe (maybe looking for non-pulsing pins)


Anyway… any suggestions would be helpful!! Thanks!



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